Ein hellerer, schnellerer UV‑Lösemitteldrucker

Die Modellreihe JV400 SUV setzt neue Standards in der Branche und kombiniert die Flexibilität des Lösemittel-Druckverfahrens mit der Haltbarkeit von UV-Tinten. Das Ergebnis sind glatte, leuchtende Drucke, die wie beschichtet aussehen, dabei aber gleichzeitig die von einem Lösemitteldrucker gewohnte Farbkraft beibehalten. In Verbindung mit hoher Kratzfestigkeit und Beständigkeit gegen Umwelteinflüsse können diese Merkmale selbst anspruchsvollste Kunden befriedigen.

Hohe Kratzfestigkeit
Glänzendes Erscheinungsbild
Hohe Haltbarkeit
  • UV-härtende Lösemitteltinten für ein weiches, glänzendes Erscheinungsbild mit brillanter Farbdefinition
  • Hohe Kratzfestigkeit und Beständigkeit gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen
  • Schnell trocknende Tinten für höhere Produktivität
  • Vierfarbdruck
  • Hohe Haltbarkeit der Drucke für Außen- und Innenanwendungen
  • Hochwertige Drucke mit bis zu 18,1 qm/h
  • Druck verlässt Maschine bereits komplett trocken und bereit zur sofortigen Weiterverarbeitung
  • Verbesserte, variable Punktdrucktechnik liefert eine Mindestpunktgröße von nur 4 Picolitern

Applications of JV400SUV

Innen- und Aussenbeschilderungen, Fensterdekorationen, Displays, Druck auf transparentes PET, Folien für bruchsichere Fenstergläser und vieles mehr…

Substrates of JV400SUV

PVC-Film, Bannermaterial, Backlit, (blueback) Papier, unbeschichtete Medien (bspw. Papier oder Textilien), und die meisten Materialien aus dem Eco-Solvent-Bereich.

Spezifikationen der JV400SUV

ItemJV400-160 SUV
DruckkopfOn-Demand Piezo Druckkopf (Array mit 2 Köpfen in Reihe)
Maximale Druckbreite1,610 mm
Druckauflösung600, 900, 1200dpi
TintenartSU100 Solvent UV tinte 4 farben (C,M,Y,K)Ink Supply system: 600 ml pack
Druck-GeschwindigkeitHigh speed:18 sqm/h (1200 x 900 dpi, 6 pass, bi-directional, 4 Farben) Standard: 11.1 sqm/h (900 x 900 dpi, 12 pass, bi-directional, 4 Farben)
High quality : 6.7 sqm/h (1200 x 900 dpi, 12 pass, bi-directional, 4 Farben)
Medien breiteBis zu 1,620mm
GewichtBis zu 25 kg
2-3 inch
UV curing unitEquipped with fluorescent UV tube lamp
TrocknungIntelligentes 3-Zonen Heizsystem (Vor-/Druck-/Nachheizugn), Lüftungseinheit, Trocknungslüfter
SchnittstelleUSB 2.0
Leistungs-aufnahme220~240V:1,800W x 2
(B x T x H)

Features of JV400SUV

Advanced ink technology of the JV400SUV Series

Solvent UV ink contains a solvent component and a UV ink component. First, the solvent component attacks the acceptance layer of the media, fixing the pigment; the subsequent UV curing assures very high robustness.

When using Mimaki Solvent UV Inks, fixation and curing is immediate. Therefore, drying times is eliminated. Immediately after printing, secondary processing, such as lamination, can be performed, dramatically increasing efficiency.

High scratch resistance

A robust UV component remains on the media after UV curing, which provides a surprisingly strong scratch resistance (rub-fastness). Moreover, Solvent UV is equal to or better than solvent ink in weatherability and alcohol resistance. In cases such as banner materials, where lamination is difficult and often omitted, considerable durability can be expected.

Never-before-seen glossinessMimaki glossiness

Solvent UV ink contains a solvent component which attacks the acceptance layer of the media, fixing the pigment. It performs UV curing, not when the ink is discharged, but after the pigment is fixed to the media, all while maintaining the vivid color reproduction of solvent ink, resulting in a coating-like smooth glossy print. Signs with solvent UV have a bold and vivid appearance, which definitely catches the eyes of passers-by.

Improved drying & UV curing devices

3 Way Intelligent Heater improves the colour reproduction and fixability of ink by heating the media to the proper temperature before, during and after printing. In combination with the 3 Way Intelligent Heater, the UV curing unit immediately cures the ink to be fixed.

improved drying

Newly developed JV400SUV high-speed print heads

Two newly developed print heads with four rows of 320 nozzles per head are arranged in a single line, enabling high-speed printing with top quality results.

JV400 standard quality print speeds
jv400 quality print

drop sizesVariable drop sizes with a minimum size of 4 pl
The ink drop sizes can be selected to a minimum of 4 pl. Multidrop function provides three different drop sizes at once, producing fascinating, non-grainy and smooth printing results. Mimaki’s proprietary head control technology delivers unrivaled high definition & high resolution prints.

Fail-safe functions for continuous operation

Nozzle Recovery Function
Even when nozzle washing has no effect on troubled nozzle, the print image quality can be recovered temporarily.

* Nozzle Recovery Function is a temporary failure averting function and its recoverability is limited.

Uninterrupted Ink Supply System (UISS)
Two ink cartridges per colour are set in 4-colour mode. When the ink level of one cartridge is almost empty, the ink supply automatically switched to another cartridge of the same colour, preventing from stopping a print job due to running out of ink.

Eco-cartridge method of the JV400SUV Series

Eco-cartridges can be repeatedly used by changing spent ink packs. This eco-cartridge method contributes to waste reduction and can provide ink at lower prices.

* Ink pack capacity is 600 ml.


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